Featured Certified Autism Specialist: Marvin Tolentino

Marvin Tolentino

Behavior Technician

Why did you choose your profession?
I chose to work in this profession because I love working with children. It allows me to be creative and provide learning opportunities to children on the autism spectrum. I am fortunate to work with a team of ABA professionals at CaymanABA as a Junior Behavior Technician.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
Playing and learning are the best part of working with children on the autism spectrum. As a professional, I have also learned from the kids I support and have come to appreciate their uniqueness and how special they are each in their own way.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
As I strive to expand my knowledge and expertise to work with individual with cognitive disorders, the IBCCES credential provided tons of insight to move forward in my career and as an advocate.

The training also opened my mind to wider perspectives on how to deliver better quality of service to my clients. It gave me deeper understanding and appreciation about the field of autism service.

How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
I am using the knowledge I have learned in this training as I fulfill my job as Behavior Technician based in the Caribbean region.

The certification training is very beneficial as I carry out my responsibilities as a front-line worker for the kids with ASD and other developmental issues. With the training I’ve received from the IBCCES, I am confident that our clients here in the Cayman Islands will receive high-quality autism service that acknowledges their unique talents and abilities, and sees their potentials come to life!

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