Featured Certificant: Clarissa A. Meyers

Clarissa A. Meyers

Occupational Therapist, Registered/Master’s of Education

What’s your favorite part about what you do?
I currently work with children 0 to 3 years of age who have been diagnosed or undiagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I have been working with this population for over 20 years. The most satisfying part of this job is, among many reasons, seeing the children smile for the first time; seeing a child play with his/her parent for the first time; seeing a child wave “bye-bye” for the first time and being a part of the child’s life.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
Only to know that I am providing the best quality that I can for the children that I serve.
How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
The knowledge that I have gained through the certification process towards becoming a Certified Autism Specialist has been one of enriching, enlightening and raising my standards and level of care towards this population. I have gained confidence and self-assurance. I want to continue to improve and develop my knowledge and skills, beyond minimal expectations or standards, to improve a child’s life to the best of my ability.

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