Featured Certificant: Dawn J.

Dawn J.

Certified Autism Specialist™ (CAS), Director, Kuwait Dream Centre

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

“Every day is different, with always something new to learn. Seeing our little ones’ progress is motivating for me to keep learning more.”

How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?

“The world of autism is fast-changing, so it’s important for everyone in the field to stay updated. There are many misconceptions from long ago, and the training keeps you up to speed with the changing world of autism.”

How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?

“Watching autistic individuals talk about their lives and seeing how their journey has brought them to ‘train the trainers’ is such a motivating factor for me. Working in Kuwait, you can feel cut off from up-to-date ideas and training. The course covered so much that I can implement daily.”

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