Featured Certificant: Caryn C. Caryn C. Certified Autism Travel Professional™ (CATP), Travel advisor at Balanced Explorations LLC What’s your favorite part about what you do? “The best part of being a Certified Autism Travel Professional™ is helping autistic individuals realize that they can travel and enjoy positive travel experiences.” How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career? “The CATP credential has provided me with a unique niche in an often over-saturated travel market. Now, I no longer feel like I’m competing with every other travel advisor and online search engine.” How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training? “I’m sharing educational content on my YouTube channel and other social media platforms to help more people become aware of this service and its availability.” Be Featured! We want to highlight you in our upcoming newsletter. Sign up to be featured as our certificant of the month today. Apply Now Learn More About IBCCES Certification Options Share: 16 DEC 0 Related PostsFeatured Certificant: Dillon M.Meow Wolf Adds Houston Location to List of Certified Autism Centers, Creates Inclusive Options at All ExhibitionsFeatured Certificant: Jen M.Featured Certificant: Ma Elena Francesca A.Featured Certificant: Michelle D.