3 Steps to Being Promoted In Special Education

Since you have had your degree, you’ve found that the degree is no longer the distinction it once was. So ambitious teachers and ESP’s (Education Support Professionals) are looking for new ways to differentiate themselves in education. For a growing number of them, specialty certification offers one way to demonstrate a high level of knowledge. But which certification is right for you?  And just how much advantage will certification really give you?

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Goal Setting in One’s Career

By: Yazi Bakhsheshi

If you’re like me then you’ve probably already made some New Year’s Resolutions and posted them somewhere handy. Mine are on the bulletin board right next to my precious coffee maker! And what do you know, we are almost a week into the new year and I catch myself thinking about taking down my little sticky notes. Feeling discouraged, I have begun thinking about how in the world I’m going to accomplish these goals?

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Planning and Prevention Strategies Reduce Problems at IEP Meetings

by Judith Greenbaum, Ph.D. from CEN’s Focus on Results

Many parents and educators approach an individualized education program (IEP) team meeting with a certain amount of caution. Parents and educators feel this way even though evidence shows that most IEP team meetings proceed rather quickly and quietly. IEP team participants may worry that some-thing will go wrong or that participants will disagree, or they may feel unprepared.

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