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Change in Designation does not change Status, Authority or Respect..Re: Scarlett McNally: Renaming junior doctors—to improve value, respect, and patient safety
Dear Editor,
Calling someone Doctor instead of Junior Doctor is not going to change the earnings.
How does calling all doctors simply doctors define the position of a doctor in the chain of command?
I am not trying to suggest what designations the doctors at various levels of the Healthcare system should be conferred upon.
Where I studied and worked, the status went Intern, House Officer, Registrar, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor, Professor and Head of the Unit and Professor Head of the Department. Occasionally the topmost designation used to be Director of the Department.
However if one completed MD in General Internal Medicine one may get to become a Lecturer; instead if one chose to pursue superspecialization such as in cardiology, one became House Officer in the Cardiology Unit. None of us minded this apparent disparity.
Someone famous said – What’s in a name!
Change in Designation does not change Status, Authority or Respect..Re: Scarlett McNally: Renaming junior doctors—to improve value, respect, and patient safety
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Author: Anonymous
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