Featured Certified Autism Specialist: Vikram Pagpatan

Vikram Pagpatan

Assistant Professor, Admissions Coordinator, Occupational Therapist

Why did you choose your profession?
I was seeking a versatile nontraditional form of healthcare that could benefit clients through a truly holistic approach. I choose the field of Occupational Therapy as it allowed me to engage a client from a deeper level of therapeutic science and to enable them to reach their fullest potential in spite of a disability or illness.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
In academia, the students and their amazing levels of creativity. In practice, my clients, from newborns to individuals in hospice care and their unbelievable resiliency.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
I just received my CAS certification, but I plan to utilize this marker of excellence to further my practice with teenagers and older adults with ASD as well as to facilitate a higher degree of service-learning experiences for my OT students in the area of ASD.
How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
Through practice, I am able to apply the various skills I have gained from the training to actual therapeutic implementation.

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