Featured Certificant: Kaleigh P. Kaleigh P. Certified Autism Travel Professional (CATP), Travel Advisor What’s your favorite part about what you do? “Being a mom of a precious son who’s on the spectrum, and being introduced to a community where I see autistic and sensory-sensitive individuals struggling to take relaxing and accommodating vacations, I knew I had found my space. I cannot explain the joy I feel when I am able to help families take vacations where they aren’t constantly feeling uncomfortable or unaccommodated. Seeing them just get to enjoy and be present with their loved ones is EVERYTHING to me!” How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career? “This training has helped me understand all the different accommodations I didn’t know were out there, from airport sensory rooms to full resorts that are autism certified, enabling me to share those learnings with my clients.” How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training? “I am constantly learning which means I am constantly sharing and helping others plan the most magical vacations!” Be Featured! We want to highlight you in our upcoming newsletter. Sign up to be featured as our certificant of the month today. Apply Now Learn More About IBCCES Certification Options Share: 25 MAR 0 Related PostsFeatured Certificant: Caryn C.Featured Certificant: Dillon M.Meow Wolf Adds Houston Location to List of Certified Autism Centers, Creates Inclusive Options at All ExhibitionsFeatured Certificant: Jen M.Featured Certificant: Ma Elena Francesca A.