Featured Certificant: Linda S.

Linda S.

Certified Autism Travel Professional™ (CATP), Travel Agent at Travel Unlimited

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

“Helping families who have an autistic person in their life attend a vacation that suits them and enables their autistic family member to enjoy the trip as well. Oftentimes, people with hidden disabilities are overlooked.”

How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?

To identify autism-friendly vacation spaces and to present the options to the families of the autistic individual.

How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?

Knowing what autism is and how it affects people. Learning where these families can go to have a good time and not worry that their autistic relative will be left out.

More on how the IBCCES training has impacted Linda:

“Families who have an autistic person in their lives have a difficult time taking vacations in non-autism-friendly places. Knowing how to help these families and point them in the right direction is extremely helpful. People who do not have a relative with a hidden disability have no idea what it’s like to try to plan a fun time that the whole family can enjoy. There are autism-friendly vacation places and others that are not. Knowing which ones are autism-friendly can make a world of difference for the client.”

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