Featured Certificant: Rachel C. Morgan

Rachel C. Morgan, Ed.D.

CEO of Adam Morgan Foundation

Having both the CAS and BCTS certifications has provided a higher credibility level to my non-profit and personal endeavors. The partnership and friendship of those at IBCCES have elevated the Adam Morgan Foundation’s supports and services within our community. IBCCES equips professionals in the field of neurodiversity with a wide range of certifications for all types of careers. What makes IBCCES different is that they engage people where they are and elevate their education to take into account innovative research and practice in the field.

Why did you choose your profession?
My son is the reason that I shifted my career to education and the neurodiversity field. When my son was born in 2002 with a multitude of disabilities, I had an intrinsic motivation to learn and work in a new field. I have never felt more rewarded in a career and love what I do.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
The favorite part of my job is two-fold; I absolutely love watching my son excel and break down barriers when it comes to the inclusion of those that learn and communicate differently. He is paving the path for others to get a real education and have options for their adult life. The second favorite part of my job is to help others in our community. When I see the smiles, ah-ha moments, and successes in those individuals that have never before had inclusion opportunities, it warms my heart.
How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
My most recent certification, Board Certified Telepractice Specialist (BCTS), has helped support our new Technology Education Program by providing me the required training to move some of our training to an online format. The online training that IBCCES provided was outstanding and not only gave me additional confidence to move forward with this service but gave our community the confidence that the Adam Morgan Foundation had the proper training to implement it.

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