Featured Certificant: Veronique Chiasson

Veronique Chiasson

ACAS, Occupational Therapist, Certified Early Start Denver Model Therapist, and Trainer
Clinical Director

IBCCES was there every step of the way for my own personal certification process and also for our center’s certification process.

Why did you choose your profession?
I had always wanted to be in a helping profession AND work with children. While I was a student, I met a young autistic child and was amazed at what he could do and how much gratification I got from teaching him life skills.

That’s why I later became an Occupational Therapist. For me, helping a child engage and participate in their daily family and community life is what I love the most.

What’s your favorite part about what you do?
We use a play, interests, and motivation first approach. My children are always teasing me that I get to play all day.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
I only recently, in the past year, gotten my IBCCES certification. In our jurisdiction, Occupational Therapists are not often recognized as providing behavior-based interventions. I hope this certification, identifies me as a resource for the children and families who seek our help.
How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
As part of the Advanced Certified Autism Specialist training, I was fortunate to develop my critical and clinical judgment regarding supervision, ethic, and building executive functioning skills in our clients. The certification helps me in my everyday tasks as a Clinical Director of our center.

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