Featured Certificant: Elena Garcia

Elena Garcia

Brain Trainer

IBCCES training has helped me strengthen some of my weaknesses and has greatly expanded my knowledge about ASD specifically. It has provided me an opportunity to learn new things that are applicable to my job, and that I have already started implementing!

Why did you choose your profession?
I wanted a job that involved more than one part of my understanding of myself. I have always loved puzzles and challenges and figuring out the “why” behind things, and, with my current position, I am able to apply those skills while fostering another desire of mine– the desire to help. I am able to see changes in students to face challenges with determination where they would previously only feel apprehension, and it is so rewarding to see a young individual’s confidence in themselves and their ability grow. Being a cognitive brain trainer has allowed me to challenge my adaptability and my understanding of others, while benefitting my community.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
My favorite part of my job is answering the “why” questions. Hearing those “why am I doing this activity this way?” questions shows me that the wheels are turning and that enough information is getting in through the gateway cognitive skills that it is being processed in new ways. I love helping that process by hearing my students and explaining things in a way that they understand, so they can recognize that training does have a purpose and apply their strengthened skills to their lives.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
Because of the IBCCES training, I have been able to take on new students because insurance is able to cover more of the costs for the family, and I am so happy to be able to reach more of my community!
How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
The Certified Cognitive Coach training has helped me with establishing goals and motivating my students to work towards their goals. It has helped me recognize how to assess each student’s individual desires and marry them with parent expectations and my own expectations. It has increased my knowledge of how to reward behavior that works towards those goals and increases productivity and effort.

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