Featured Certificant: Monique Bienvenue

Monique Bienvenue

CAS, Special Education Teacher
Why did you choose your profession?
I think teaching chose me. After ten years working in the computer/customer service field, I decided to go back to college and get a degree. I interned in an elementary school close to the university and fell in love with the unique education population. I was pushed into the teaching field by a professor.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
Transition Teachers teach a wide range of skills to students who have earned all their academic credits and have chosen to return to school. I get to teach my students about their community and how to access it, they also acquire job skills, and we work on self-advocacy for all the students. Each student has a path of transition that I get to help them map out and achieve. To see them in the community later in life is so rewarding.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
The IBCCES Training has helped me in several ways. I can identify and help those struggling students with ASD. After observing students with ASD, you can find their preferences and help them learn through what knowledge they already have.

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