Featured Certificant: Ally Bayard

Ally Bayard

CAS, Counselor, and Founder of Refinery Counseling Center

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

I love getting to work with neurodivergent clients and their families. My favorite part of my work is equipping clients and families to live life to the fullest. Neuro diagnoses such as autism or SPD can be overwhelming and intimidating, and it is human nature to want to create safe little bubbles for our children and ourselves. But an autism diagnosis doesn’t mean you or your child have to live a small life. I consider it such a privilege to help clients and families navigate the mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of all stages of life.

How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?

Obtaining the Certified Autism Specialist certification added another layer of credibility to my practice. I am state licensed and have ten years of experience, but in today’s world, clients do a lot of research on providers, and they want to feel confident that you are an expert in your area. This additional training has equipped me to do my work at an even higher level.

How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?

 I loved the section of my CAS training about school systems and advocating for children in the school system. Because I function mainly in the private practice world, this area was a weakness of mine, and I feel much more comfortable using the language and understanding the history of special needs programs and systems in the schools.

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