Moving from Awareness to Action

By Tameika Meadows, ABA

I recently had a conversation with one of my clients (see below for information about her company) about Autism Awareness month. While it’s not quite April yet, during the month of April it is common to see banners, commercial spots, print ads, blue light-bulbs, parades, etc., all focused on spreading awareness of Autism. Across communities, parents, educators, professionals, and regular Joe’s join together to help spread the word about Autism.

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Effective Education For Autism


In the eight years that Charlene Green has spent with Nevada’s Clark County School District, she’s seen the number of children with autism spectrum disorders in her charge increase from 96 to more than 1,000. Green, the associate superintendent for student support services in the Las Vegas-area district, oversees those children’s education–an expensive, complicated task.

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Autism and Isolation

By Yasmine Bakhsheshi, Social Work

As adults living with autism begin to transition out of the classroom it seems that there is more data that shows that those adults are heading towards “social isolation”. Across the spectrum adults with autism are “left out” and excluded from social encounters and gatherings.

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Improving Emotional Health

People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their emotions and their behavior. They are able to handle life’s challenges, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks. But just as it requires effort to build or maintain physical health, so it is with mental and emotional health.

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Forever Young

By Yasmine Bakhsheshi, Social Work

Every week I receive emails about new discoveries and studies within the field of autism–which is really encouraging! It really gets me excited, I’m sure you can relate.  There are many valuable  resources  for children with autism on all different parts of the spectrum.  The reality is that those same children grow up to be adults. It is just as crucial that we have valuable resources for our adults with autism.

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Why You Should Use Stetson Online Courses

By: Alicia Swedberg, M.Ed. and Patricia Williams.

STETSON & ASSOCIATES, INC., an education consulting firm, has been awarded the IBCCES Blue Ribbon Award as a certified program that offers teachers and paraprofessional’s online courses that will improve the quality of instruction for all students. Stetson & Associates was selected for the company’s focus on supporting staff that work with special needs students and is among only a select group of programs operating throughout the United States.

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